how to post on Instagram easy way

In this article you will know about What is Instagram and how to post on Instagram – Insta is a photo-sharing and social-media platform.

Users can snap images or short movies with their phones and share them with their friends.

how to post on Instagram

how to post on Instagram

Instagram posts can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, among other social media platforms.

What is Instagram?

Instagram, like Facebook, uses a feed format to display content. When the user scrolls to view photos, an algorithm selects fresh ones and appends them to the end of the stream.

The result is a never-ending stream of content that is personalized by user preferences.

Additional Features of Instagram

Instagram Story is a 24-hour-accessible story on Instagram. Photos, videos, text, connections to external sites and posts, and interactive responses and polls for follower participation can all be included in a narrative.

Users can also respond to a story via Direct Message by swiping upwards, when a glowing ring emerges around a user’s profile picture, tap on it to view their story.

Instagram filters: Similar to Snapchat filters, Instagram filters use augmented reality to add visual effects to photographs and videos on a story.

Instagram’s built-in private messaging tool is called Direct Messages. Use the paper aircraft icon in the top-right corner of the application’s homepage to DM a user.

Multiple individuals can participate in DM chats, and you can share stories secretly through them. Instagram Live is a live streaming feature that can be accessed via a user’s story.

Instagram live broadcasts allow users to receive and respond to comments in real-time, and invite other users to join in on the fun, while simultaneously displaying two camera feeds.

Insta. TV, often known as IGTV, is a feature of the app that allows users to watch videos longer than one minute. Instagram TV, unlike conventional Instagram videos, has video controls like stopping and scrubbing across the video. On IGTV, videos can be up to 60 minutes long.

How to post on Instagram from pc

Instagram is a smartphone application. But how do you operate Insta if you don’t have a phone?

You can get (download) it from the App Store or the Google Play store. After that, you’ll use your phone to add photographs and videos to the platform.

This strategy, however, is not suitable for everyone. Some photographers and influencers shoot shots with their DSLRs. Others handle their brand’s or company’s Instagram profiles, thus they prefer to use Instagram alongside their analytics software on their desktop.

Others choose to use Photoshop or Lightroom to alter their images before sharing them.

Steps to post on Instagram using desktop:

1. Open your favorite web browser and go to

2. Click the ‘+’ sign in the upper right corner of the square.

3. Select the photograph you want to share on your Insta profile.

You can either drag the image you wish to post or choose it from your computer.

4. Make any changes you want to the photo.

You can choose from a variety of filters that you want the shot to have in the app.

5. To share your photo, go to the bottom right corner and click “Share.”

Using the desktop version of Instagram is just as straightforward as using the app.

Steps to post on Instagram using mobile:

1) Sign in to your Instagram account at You’ll have to create an account if you don’t already have one (btw my guess, you have an account).

2) Install/open the “Instagram App” using Play Store on your Android phone.

3) On your Android phone, go to the Photo Gallery.

4) Choose the photographs you’d like to upload.

5) In the top right corner of the screen, tap the “Share” button.

6) Choose “Instagram” from the drop-down menu.

7) Crop your photo and tap the “Right arrow” button in the screen’s top right corner.

8) Tap the “Right arrow” button after applying digital filters.

9) A popup called “Share to” appears.

10) Tap the “Checkmark” button in the top right corner of the screen to add a description.

Your whole photo collection will now be published on Instagram.

How to search Instagram users?

1) Start by going to Instagram. To open Instagram, tap the orange, pink, or purple camera icon in your app list. If you’re logged in, this will take you to your Instagram home page.

2) Press and hold the magnifying glass icon. At the bottom of the screen, it’s the second icon.

3) Toggle the search bar on. This is the grey field at the top of the screen that says “Search.” The keyboard on your phone should appear.

4) Select Accounts from the drop-down menu. This narrows your search to Instagram users alone.

5) Enter a name or the name of an account. Results would appear below the search bar while you type.

6) Select the account you wish to follow and tap it.This should bring you to the user’s profile. You’ll see a grid of their posts if the page is public.

If you don’t, all you’ll see is their profile photo and bio.

Try scrolling down if you don’t see the account you want to follow.

7) Tap the blue-colored follow button. It’s towards the page’s top-left corner.

This will now follow the account, and you’ll be able to discover it in the Following area of your profile.

Taping Follow will send a request to the account owner if the account is protected.

You’ll begin following the account if they approve your request.

please comment if any question you have.


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