destructive testing methods
The name of this method is destructive testing , which means a method of breaking, in which any material, component is broken down to find out its properties, defects, etc. What is Destructive Testing? It is the method in which the exact failure point, hardness, strength, capacity is ascertained in any material, components, etc., the material cannot be reused after doing this method, destructive testing This method is done when a large quantity has to be produced and the destructive test methods are done on the raw material used to make that product. From this, the hardness, strength, chemical composition, capacity, composition, failure point, etc. of the raw material of the product are ascertained. DT method is mostly done on some part of raw material and material, components, etc., before a product comes into service, to find out its exact failure point, weak point and final capacity, etc., It’s used to prevent any kind of accident in the future service of that product, By this meth